Precious Toy Poodles, Poms N Persians
Quality that counts, Located in Phoenix, Arizona (602) 276-9178
Available Puppies & kittens
By Coming to this website and or purchasing or leaving a deposit. it is your responsibility to read all of the content on this site and abide by it. There are no refunds on purchases or deposits . We ask that you please be sure of your purchase and ask all of the necessary questions you believe are pertinent since you can not change your mind once money is left. cash only upon pickup and know that we can not hold / reserve any pet without a deposit.
We encourage new owners to come and meet their puppy / kitten in person. it is best when leaving a deposit. we want to make sure you are satisfied with your purchase
Please call us at 602 276-9178 or email us at preciouspomsnpersians@yahoo.com
Please read the price and size page prior to inquiring on a puppy or kitten this is to educate you and help you make a good choice on what real expectations are of size and prices of quality.

Our Adorable little poodles are hand raised under foot. by us and are very social with other pets and children. they are raised in a busy home environment and use to loud noises and lots going on so you wont have a shy dog.

Our pomeranians come in only 2 looks, we breed only Baby doll and Teddy bear faced poms, with full thick coats, square bodies and adorable features like small round ears and little faces.

Our persians are held from day 1 of them being born, and bathed and brushed regularly, even the blow dryer doesn't scare them. monthly nail trims, sanitary clips they think all of this is normal and everyone must have this done because thats all they know and they dont know otherwise so you will always have a well behaved kitty as long as you continue the same care
We have several Toy Poodles Available also Persian kittens and new pomeranians. please text me for photos and info 602 699-9684
Several litters of Toy Poodles Available. Reds, Blacks, Apricots Available as pets males and Females
Also several Persian kittens available, Blacks, Calico, Reds, Tortie and many Bi Colored males and Females.
Pomeranian pups available as well. Cream,Black,Cream Sable, and Black & Tan
Please Text my Cell for Photos and appointments to come see them I am unable to load photos on my website 602 699-9684