Precious Toy Poodles, Poms N Persians
Quality that counts, Located in Phoenix, Arizona (602) 276-9178
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Precious Poms & Persians & Toy Poodles Sales Contract
by coming to this website and or purchasing or leaving any money. it is your responsibility to read all of the content on this contract / website and abide by it.
I understand that the quality show / pet, size, or color cannot be guaranteed. We give you our best judgement on the size & quality only. They have a 48 Hr guarantee to take to a vet. To my knowledge the animal is in good health and there are no life threatening illnesses. The new owner has 48 hrs to return the animal with a signed statement from your veterinarian if you believe the animal to be sick. We will either return the animal to you in well condition or exchange the animal for one of equal value if available. No refunds will be given under no circumstances. Your money towards a dog/cat is non transferable to another Dog/ Cat if you for what ever reason change your mind and decide or cannot purchase the animal. By backing out of said original agreement you are forfeiting your money . However you are responsible for any veterinary bills you might incur during or after the 48 Hr period. Purchaser has done research on the breed that you are purchasing. dogs & cats require constant care and feeding, puppies & kittens need to eat every 3-4 hrs. We guarantee against life threatening illnesses only within the 48 hrs. that's why you should have your pet checked right away so you can tell us if your vet has found something different than ours. We can not guarantee its knees, hips, breeding ability, hernia, un descended testicles, under or overbite, allergies, abnormalities, defects or internal parasites of any kind as many pets have them and some are common in small toy breeds and others only detectable in older age. cleaning kitty faces and noses, cleaning poopy bottoms it is your responsibility to ensure your puppy & kittens health, by preventing, diarrhea, Hypoglycemia is prevented with watching and making sure pups and kittens are eating and so forth, you are responsible for your pets care and need to take it to your Veterinarian don't wait. Please read the hand outs in your package, many questions will be answered and suggestions given. Please don't spend all you money on purchasing a pet and then say you have no money to get Vet car. As a good pet owner it can not be avoided, your pet will require many visits for follow up vaccines, dewormings, exams, spaying/neutering and so forth. It is just like having a newborn child. all that cost money.
I agree that at no time will I re sell this puppy/kitten or am not a pet store, puppy mill looking to breed this dog/cat, a dog shelter/pound, a broker or any similar enterprise for what ever reason at any time. I will notify the breeder in the event i can not keep this puppy/kitten and return it to them for a new home. Buyer agrees seller will repossess dog/cat upon evidence of neglect and/or abuse or any break or breech of contract or any misleading or misrepresentation of what the dog/cat was purchased for. Like purchasing as a pet for lower cost but intend on breeding it. Buyer will be held responsible for all legal and travel fees deemed necessary to repossess the dog/cat. You will not get a refund for intentionally lying if you intend to breed but don't want to pay for the breeding rights or registration.
No registration will be given for pets unless specified. Unless other arrangements have been made prior to payment. On a spay/Neuter contract meaning all animals must be spayed or neutered if not already done by us here prior to leaving. unless prior arrangements have been made for Full Registration, this will be done between 4- 6 months of age with proof being shown if not already done by us here. If applies, Buyer or new owner must include the name "Precious "when registering the animal following any chosen name. as a breeder or show quality if applicable. We will have our veterinarian check your puppy/kitten before you receive him/her. We guarantee your puppy/kitten to be free of life-threatening illnesses within 48 hrs. If there are any minor, breed related, treatable, or correctable conditions, this is your responsibility as a responsible owner of a puppy/kitten to treat them. Failure to let your veterinarian treat, or your decline will breech the contract and puppy/ kitten may be repossessed. These are easily treated and are not life threatening and are not covered by the guarantee.
We request that you see your veterinarian within 48 Hrs to confirm that your puppy/kitten is healthy. This health check is for your benefit and it is your choice to do so or not. many vets take walk ins and are open weekends. its your responsibility to have an appointment prior to picking up your pet from us. If your veterinarian finds a problem that is life-threatening, you must contact us immediately. If you wish, at that time, to receive a replacement puppy/kitten, we require that you obtain statements from two unrelated veterinarians. You must return the affected puppy/kitten to us immediately so that we may take it to our vet to confirm a problem and when a puppy/kitten of equal value is available, you will receive a replacement puppy/kitten. There are no refunds. if a pup /kitten is found to be ill we will do all we can to help, nothing can be done if you wait or do not provide care and your pet passes.
There are too many factors that we have no control over when the puppy/kitten leaves our home. If there are any life-threatening ailments that your puppy/kitten was born with, they will be evident by this time. We hope you have thought about the responsibility you are taking on with the addition of a puppy/kitten to your home. This puppy/kitten will be dependent on you for all his/her food, care, love and shelter.
Deposits are a minimum of $400. I will hold your pet until the time agreed upon. Should you fail to contact me to make further arrangements, the sale of the animal will be null and void and the pet will be advertised as available. pets will be picked up or shipped when full payment has been received. Shipping is available the cost is $550 Poodles, Poms /Persians only. nanny Fee Varies (550-1200)we do not ship out of the U.S. pets will be shipped no earlier than 8 weeks. the cost includes our gas to airport the flight, health certificate, vet check, carrier, and food bowls attached. Finally...buyer agrees that he/she understands this contract fully, and that this contract is under the jurisdiction of the state of Arizona, in the city of Maricopa. It is agreed that the place of venue shall be Phoenix, Az.
I agree to the terms above. Signature___________________________________Name_____________________________
Address______________________________________________________________________ City_________________State_______Zip_________Date___/___/___
Phone( ) ____________________________Email___________________________________
Breed__________________________D.O.B___/___/___ Color_______________Sex_________
Pet, show / Breeder #_____________________________ Deposit Left ____/____/____ Payment___ Dates ______,________,__________,_________Picked up___/___/___ Balance $_________
Pet Name______________________ Mother____________ Father____________
please send form by printing it out and scan and send email to presiouspomsnpersians@yahoo.com thank you
I accept cash. Zelle and paypal only. No Checks, you may contant me with any questions 602 276-9178 preciouspomsnpersians@yahoo.com