Precious Toy Poodles, Poms N Persians
Quality that counts, Located in Phoenix, Arizona (602) 276-9178
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Our Persian Males
Not For Sale These are our male's we own. They are all PKD tested, Felv/Fiv tested.
none of our kittens have any hereditary deffects. Photos are for veiwing only . We do not
do any outside breeding stud service for persians.

"Remy" is our Red Stud with tons of champions in his pedigree. he is quite the ladys man

Odd Eyed White

"Bugatti" is our newest male Odd eyed white, to join our studs we are hoping to get some stunning whites our of him

Cream Bi Color

"Roo" is a occasional stud, he belongs to a breeder friend and lives at her cattery He just comes to visit once a year to sire some kittens

These males are owned by us. some are used for breeding
and others are just pets. We love them all the same.
No photos may be removed with out permission from precious poms n persians n poodles © 2002 All Rights Reserved.