Precious Toy Poodles, Poms N Persians
Quality that counts, Located in Phoenix, Arizona (602) 276-9178
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so check back often to see new photos
Here's a another pic of Mordecai (again, with another monkey in his mouth... it's impossible to get a pic of him without his toys) He's learning so fast - we mastered potty training a month ago, and now he's learning "sit" and "drop it"! He's a smart cookie!
It been a while but I wanted to share an update on Baby Bear A.K.A Itsy Bitsy. She is now 1.5 years old DOB 7/7/2014 and as you see she is absolutely beautiful!!! She is around 4.5 pounds and bit over weight because like me she loves her yummies :)
I could not be more in love with this little girl, she is such a beautiful soul. We are now a therapy team for Hospice and the Circle of the City. We go in and brighten people day with her sweetness and cuteness. The temperament and beauty of your Poms are beyond outstanding and I am so very grateful you trusted me with this little girl.
If ever I add to my pack I will be calling on you, but right now Baby and I are busy making the world a better place. <3
Chucky says hi and Merry Christmas
Thank you again for such a delightful kitten...he is so precious; plays lots; eats lots; gets along with the other kitties. He had two more Fvrcp injections and will be neutered in January. He will have to have the more complicated neuter because his testicles have never dropped!
We really enjoy him...its been great to be home to watch him grow....never had a boy that had not had the testicles drop...did any of the others have the issue...I know it is more common in Persians.
Thanks again and Merry Christmas,

this little Chocolate merle Parti was cowboy he has since gone to his new family and they have named him "Ketch" and recently sent us some photos of him in his new home and email

"Hey, wanted to send you some pics we
took of "Kettch" the Chocolate Merle
Parti we got from you! He is great
and we love him so much. Thank You"
Slack Family

this was little Titan, he was a tiny kitten, what some people call a teacup persian. his new parents sent us a photo of him at 5 months old below.

now all grown up

This is a tiny little Cream male
he was so small he could fit on a spoon
when he was only a few days old. He
now weighs a total of 3 lbs.
His name was skeeter. His mom
sent us a new photo and email below.

this is my son hughie skeeters coat is fab
he is a fluff ball lol , take care guys i hope
all is well, thank you so much for my baby.
we just love him.

this is "Twinkle" she is a short haired persian tortie. He new family loves her so much. They are getting her a new playmate see her photos with dad below.

"Hey...hoped the subject got you attention...
Twinkel is doing wonderfully but she is now
lonely. Panda ( of Fun E Face ) passed away
at 17 years7 months on August 25,2010.
We had known this would be the year for a
while and thats why we chose Twinkel.
We could NOT have got a more adoreable
and cuddly friend anywhere else. Now I
and my wife are looking for some
companionship and another lap loving friend.
We would be honored if you wouyld consider
us for another of your fine persians. As
always...loved and pampered and adorned
as indoor babies. Twinkel is quite odd.
We all think she is an Ewok ( Star Wars).
She loves to be held cradled like a baby
and have her belly caressed while being
held. She knows what kisses are and she
doesnt avoid getting kissed on the head
or face. When you sing sweetly to her she
will fall asleep. Coooolest and cutest twinkel.
I tell everyone..." She is so cute I feel
frustrated and want to squeeze her".
Thanks and I do hope to hear from you '
Bob Hutson

This is a little tiny Chocolate Parti we
called Godiva she went to her new
mommy & daddy, they just loved her
they sent us this updated photo of
her at 5 months old below and an email.

Thanks for everything! We love our little
precious girl. I will keep in touch and
send you the pictures we took of her as
soon as I get them down loaded.
Take Care and hope to see and talk with
you soon.

Here is a photo of cotton one of our white persian kittens her mom sent us a recent photo below of her. she is looking for a playmate for her.

I bought Cotton (now CC) from you about one and a
half yrs ago. She is awesome and rules the house
however, I think she needs a BFF to play with. I think
a female would be good but don't need a kitten - I would
be willing to go up to a 2yr old if it were playful enough.
Could you let me know if you have anything available.
Thanks so much!!!
Diana Rix

This little Orange female "Ashley" has gone
to her new home with her new family, they
have since changed her name to "Rosie"
and sent us a updated email and photo below.

"I got the pics and paperwork on Ashley
(whom we now call Rosie -- Rosarita Margarita).
Thanks so much for sending those! She has
stolen our hearts and is adjusting well to her
new life. She's a great eater (has gained over
a pound already) is full of spunk and personality
and we just love her."

This little silver shaded Female was turned
over to us and was adopted into a new home
we recently got an email from her new
I just wanted to let you know that Sparkles
is doing really great! I was surprised how
well she adjusted (right away). Thanks so
much for taking her and letting us adopt her!
Great little kitty she is. My husband just loves
her and she is definitely the Queen here! :-)
Take care,
Amber Kilgore
GSWCF - Troop Leader
Troop # 1217

Here is a little Red short haired Persian and
a little tabby long haired persian . this
mommy adopted the little red one from us
almost 2 yrs ago. he was a rescue. now she
got him a new play mate the little brown
tabby from us just a few weeks
ago. Here is what mom emails us and an
updated photo of both kitty's.

"Hope all is well with you and the family.
I wanted to take a minute to share some
recent photos. As you can see Benjamin is
taking good care of his baby bother Oliver.
Isabella is being Isabella but she does stay
in the same room with them so that is a
good sign. Thank you very much for sending
me the photos of Baby Oliver. That was very
kind of you.
Happy Holidays to you and your family."

This is little bennington, he went to go live with
his new family in Las Vegas. he is all grown up
and his mommy love him so much.
Here he is in his home in Vegas Living the good
life below.

This was little "Maxwell" He went
to his new home in Scottsdale. We
recently got a email & photo of him
from his owners his new name is
In October 2008 we purchased a Persian who had been called Maxwell; he now goes by Marty. He is a beautiful smoke Persian whose personality is more reminiscent of a dog. He sleeps all night cuddled up to me in bed and follows everyone around all day like our shadow. He had to have a surgery to correct a minor issue he had with his nose airway, he has since recovered and is now breathing better than ever! He is definitely spoiled little guy but he is worth every penny. As an animal lover, I’ve had many different kinds of pets, but never in my life have I encountered a more unique and good natured cat! (Attached are some photos I took yesterday)
Thank You Karen

this is Polar, he now lives with the Koss
family in Alaska. they sent us a recent
photo of him and their new baby. His mom
tells us about their new addition below.

Here's a picture of Polar he's now 1 year old!!
His baby brother Reily is 3 months old and Polar
loves him! They will be great friends when Reily
is older and can play with him better. Polar is great, he is full of energy and spunk and makes us laugh.
All of our friends and family love him too. He loves to cuddle with me in the mornings.

This little man found a good home
with his new owners in Glendale here
he is in his new home.

This is Sky, she is a lovely Blue Merle
with partial blue eyes she went to live and be spoiled by the D'Olivera family, she will allways be a special little girl to us and her new family updates from her family
This note is long overdue. It is hard to believe that Skye is 18 weeks old now and has been blessing our home since September. It feels like she has always been here with us. I tell her she is the puppy that healed a broken heart because she came into our lives and filled our beloved Chaos’ shoes so completely that, while we still miss Chaos, we love our little Skye so much that we were able to move on after losing Chaos over the summer.
She is a joy AND a monster. She goes under the couch and attacks everyone’s legs and feet as they walk by. She has made friends with one of our cats, Mimi, and they roll around on the floor and play. We laugh at her because she runs around the house full speed, tongue hanging out, fur flying behind her.
It’s pretty funny to watch. She loves to be held and carried around and loves to give kisses. When she lays down she shoves her back legs out from underneath her with her tummy flat to the floor. I have never seen a dog do that before. At any rate, since she is only going to be around 3 ½ pounds (the vet confirmed it – he says he thinks 4 pounds is pushing it), she makes up in personality what she doesn’t have in stature. In fact, our vet likes her so much, he picks her up and talks to her and asks her if she wants to ride around in his pocket all day to visit other patients.
I just wanted to take a minute a send an update and thank you for the beautiful little girl and also thank you and Freddie and family for the lovely hospitality from the time she was 3 weeks old until we could take her home at 8 weeks. I firmly believe all that visiting helped us bond with her so much faster and made her transition from your home to ours so much easier. Once again, many thanks, and I will keep in touch with pictures, notes, and phone calls to let you know how she’s doing.
Fondly, Jennifer

This Black kitten went to the Haddox family
in Chandler, they sent us a photo below
"Hi Lilie,
Just wanted to send you some shots of Sky, aka "Shadow". He's doing great
and everything looked fine at his first vet visit. He's adjusted to the
house without any problems. In fact, he walks around like he owns the place!
Our older cat just avoids him. If he walks in the room, she'll just turn
around and run out. It's probably better that way...
Thanks again for everything! We couldn't be happier!
The Haddox's"

This little Black pom went to a loving family
this is what the new family emailed us.
Dear Lilie and family
Sorry it took so long to write we have just been really busy and have not had a chance to write or send pictures we wanted to tell you thank you for our wonderful little fluff ball we have named him Kung Fu Panda (we call him Panda for short). Panda became an instant family member from the moment he walked into the door and we all love him very much and could not imagine life without him. He has become very comfortable here and he is very active with all of us. Panda is also very smart he does not beg for food and he is in the process of learning all kinds of new tricks, they seem to come very natural to him. he loves going for car rides with me as he is a mommies boy, he follows me around everywhere and is very social. he has not been able to go to dog parks yet he has one more set of shots to go but he loves being around other animals every time we go to his dr. office he makes new friends, he is even in love with his dr her name is dr Anderson (she cant put him down when we are there). Panda has also become very acustome to sleeping in Anna-Maria's room i think he likes all the toys there on his last visit he was 4.5 pounds and he goes agian on the 13th. Panda has been a great new family member and we will love him forever. thank you so much for giving us our Kung Fu Panda we could not have asked for a better little boy i will try and send pictures today i have to get them loaded up

This Blue Cream kitten was sold to another breeder Jackie at Az persian kitties here in Arizona. This photo is of her as a kitten and is the recent photo of her now as an adult.

this little fellow found a good home with
Mr. Donald Mc Bride and this is what dad
tells us.
"Hi Lilie,
Iggy is fine ! He is 5 lbs and Cream / White,
spoiled Rotten !! I lost my camera that is why
I have not sent any pictures. I can send you
pictures on a cell phone if you want? I need
your # Thanks - Don
He sent us this photo of "Iggy" now at 8 months
old. Just coming out of his puppy coat.

Allison Smith from Sierra Vista got her little exotic kitten not to long ago and she was happy.
"He is adorable. I am really trying hard to restrain myself from writing you everyday. We just are so excited. Thank you very much for understanding and being so nice. Thank you so much for ALL you do, Allison
Udated photo from his mom

Thank you,
We received the pics. Here are some that I took the other day. He is an awesome kitten. Every time I look at him I can't help but smile. He is so cute and sweet! Everyone loves him to pieces. We kept the name Louie. It fits him. Thanks again, Allison
Photos 1

Nala is owned by Bev Deason,
in Peoria this is what her mom
wrote us.
"Hi, I just wanted to share an update
with you on how my baby is doing.
I bought my Pomeranian from you last
June 2007 and she turned a year old
on March 16th. I named her Nala
Precious. She is doing great and is
extremely spoiled from all of the love
we give her. The attached picture is
of Nala in her Easter dress. She is
very healthy and happy and the ruler
of our hearts and house." Regards, Bev Deason

Justin Stoner from Pennslyvania just got his
his female kitten. "she is so cute! I love her"
Thanks for your time!
-Justin Stoner
recently he emailed us with a update.
She is doing great! My girlfriend and I named her Makenzie. She is absolutely beautiful and I will have to upload some photos of her this week and send them to you. She is quite the character and has turned out to be a great addition to the family. She loves to eat! I could not be happier with her and you can tell she came from a great environment. If I was to ever get another persian I would most definately go to you. Her face is so cute! Everyone that see's her thinks she isnt real! Thanks for checking in on her and I will get you those photos this week! Take care.
-Justin Stoner

Photos 1
Photos 1

Desirae is owned by Mali in Scottsdale
and this is what her owner tells us.
"Desirae is so sweet, getting her was
one of the best decisions for me.
She is the love of my life and I can't
thank you enough for loving her.
She's a dream girl."
her mom has
just sent us a new photo of them
having fun, I guess she is one of the
